
Let us know when you would like to plan your visit

Availability Calendar (Available Dates in White)


Please provide us with your contact information by filling in the form furnished below. Please indicate when you would like to rent this vacation home to confirm rental rates and availability.

The home is designed to accommodate six adults and two small children (on inflatable floor mattresses). Our septic system is designed accordingly. We do not rent to larger parties. We do not allow pets. This is as much as anything to insure you that you are not renting a damaged home. There are competent doggie day care facilities in the area. See Our Friends.

Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, our rentals are weekly only. Our rate during this period is currently $5,600 per week. Weekly rentals are from Saturday to Saturday. In addition, a $300 cleaning fee and County and State taxes of 13% apply.  There is a $800 premium charge for Holiday Weeks.

Rentals during Holiday Weeks are for a minimum of 3 nights at a rate of $800 per night. The $300 cleaning fee and taxes would also apply.

Otherwise, rentals are for a minimum period of 2 nights at a rate of $800 per night, the $300 cleaning fee and taxes would also apply. During Fall, Winter and Spring, additional nights can be added at a discounted rate of $700 per night.

The companies that rent boats on the Lake tell us that boat rentals should be available through the end of October. And, no promises, but the water is typically warm enough for swimming up until November!

We are sensitive to the fact that, due to the coronavirus, guests may have to cancel or modify their vacation plans. We are provide refunds of prepaid deposits and rentals when this occurs.